EP 214: Navigating Her First Year in Real Estate Investing with Sara Gair

biggerpockets entrepreneur financialfreedom investher investing investor realestate rental rentalproperty wealth womeninconstruction womeninfinances womeninrealestate Jan 27, 2022

What did your first year in real estate investing look like for you? Do you remember the rush? What would you have done differently? Today we have a special treat because our guest, Sara Gair, is a real estate investor who has just finished her first year - and WOW has she already done some incredible things. 

When the Pandemic hit, Sara and her husband went all in on real estate investing. They even postponed their wedding and used the time to supercharge their real estate investing journey despite the constraints of COVID. 

As friends and family watched Sara’s journey, many reached out asking if they could invest with her. She has since automated a lot of the business and slowed down investing in SF properties and flips to focus on wholesaling and apartment complexes. 

Sara’s story is so unique because instead of focusing on just one strategy, she employs flipping, wholesaling, and rentals as potential exit strategies to land great deals! 

As a young, female entrepreneur with a degree in mechanical engineering; Sara is not afraid of being a woman in a “man’s” business. Within just one year, she has already learned so many lessons that have set her up for success. 

Whether you’re new to investing or a seasoned veteran, Sara’s journey will inspire and motivate you as we dive into her first year in real estate investing and get into all the lessons she’s learned, what she would have done differently, and what she does now to set herself up for success on a daily basis.  



• “When COVID hit we were working from home, it was like right now it's just - it's too good of a time, we have opportunities throughout the day at lunchtime or like right after work… So, at that point, I started getting my real estate license.” (9:59 - 10:16) 

• “Having multiple exit strategies makes it much easier for us. Because if one charter doesn't work, three different things are in our toolkit that we can pull from.” (13:33 - 13:39)

• “My biggest regret, something I really wish I knew, was how do I have multiple exit strategies? And the thing I always say is just don't leave deals on the table, if it's a good deal… there's so many people out there who are willing to help.” (15:49 - 16:06)

•”It's a little scary at first using someone else's money, but it makes it so you can scale way more quickly, and then at that point, it's really just how many deals can you find?” (21:32 - 21:39)

•”Just jump in, right, you can definitely get into this analysis paralysis and just not move forward. But just jump in and kind of take a leap… For me, it was like once I knew how to run the numbers, if it's a good deal, we're going to do it.” (25:53 - 26:06)

•”It really is nice to be able to run my own business and just have multiple opportunities. And COVID really showed me I want to have those opportunities because I'm replaceable at work, and I don't want to have to depend on somebody else besides myself and my husband.” (36:00- 36:14)


Connect with Sara Gair:

IG: @gair.realestate


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